3 Facts to Consider When Implementing Facebook Live in your Practice

Facebook Live is gaining momentum, as the social network’s latest addition helps businesses get exposure, and get in front of more of their customers. Although navigating this new broadcasting feature can be difficult, it can provide your practice with not only vital video content, but the ability to reach more and new users in an appealing, millennial driven way. Per Facebook’s figures, on average, users watch a live video more than three times longer when it is live. Facebook also says users comment over 10 times more frequently on Facebook Live videos than other videos. Keep in mind these 3 simple steps when integrating Facebook Live into your practice:

1. Keep your Focus Singular

Understanding why you are diving into Facebook Live is really the first step in adding it to your social and online marketing strategy. Do you have a big event to promote, or are you trying to connect with your customers on a deeper level? Make sure you keep a singular focus when you start to broadcast your video, and keep the conversation on point.

2. Timing is Everything

Keep in mind not only the length of the video, but when you want to go live. Is your audience working professionals? Consider 1-3 p.m. during normal lunch hours, or from 6-9 p.m. after work. Good news about after-hours posting, videos are encouraged to be shorter in length… between 8-12 minutes in fact.

3. Consider Partnerships

Most practices don’t have an existing large following, let alone one that regular engages with you. Think about utilizing Facebook Live as a more impactful tool when considering other partnerships in your community. Ask for endorsements from influencers that you may have partnered with. Ask for influencers to do a Live video of their post-op visit. Stage an interview with the doctor with a popular Q&A session to utilize the live comment feature. Remember to keep it a light, informative and authentic. Watchers will want to see something genuine and somewhat spontaneous.

Lastly, don’t be discouraged if you don’t have a large audience at first. Since a non-sponsored post only reaches a small percentage of your audience, and Live videos will reach the large majority, it’s worth trying out to engage your current audience and possibly re-engage with those that have fallen off.

Have fun!

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