Tips On How To Be More Productive

By April 18, 2016 June 10th, 2016 Consulting

We all have days like this: You have a huge list of things to do and absolutely no motivation to get it done. Here are just a few tips to help maximize your productivity and stay on top of your to-do list.

Schedule and Prioritize

Make a list of all the things you need to get done. Start with the tasks that are most important and what will take you the most amount of time. Once you start to get some of your big tasks out of the way, your other ones won’t seem so daunting. Also try and keep to a schedule. Set specific periods of time that you will be devoted to a project. This will help keep projects from dragging on for unnecessary lengths of time. If you know you have a deadline, you are more likely to stay on top of it.

Take Breaks

A really important thing to remember is to take breaks. This may sound counterproductive, but taking a break actually helps you focus and concentrate more, when you are working. Your brain can only stay focused for a limited amount of time. Taking a break helps your brain to rest and get reenergized, so when you do get back to work you are more focused.

Set your Thermostat

This may sound crazy, but setting your thermostat to a specific temperature can help keep you on track. If the temperature is to cold or hot, you start to focus more on how uncomfortable you are than your work. The recommended temperature for increased production, ranges between  71˚ F and 77˚ F, depending on your team’s preference.

Invest in Yourself

Another thing that helps when you need to be productive, is making sure you are investing in yourself. Make sure you are eating healthy, exercising and getting eight hours of sleep. Being rested and energized helps you focus more on getting your work done.

Don’t Multitask

The most important tip to stay productive, is by not multi-tasking. When you have a lot to get done, it might seem like you need to do multiple things at the same time to fit everything in. The truth is, it’s really just slowing you down. The brain is not good at rapidly switching from one task to another. None of your tasks will get your full attention and you are more likely to make mistakes. This is counterproductive, because correcting the mistakes will cost you valuable time. The best way to tackle your projects, is to focus solely on that one task. Before you know it, it will be done and you can move on to the next thing.

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