4 Mobile Marketing Stats You Need To Know

By November 21, 2016 Marketing, Web Design
4 Mobile Marketing Stats you Need to Know

If you are interested in keeping up with consumer impact on mobile marketing (which you should be), then check out these important stats. Keep them in mind as you develop your digital strategy for 2017!

1.  The time users spend on mobile media is up over 51% compared to 42% desktop use.

This stat should help you consider switching your focus on how to better reach your audience. If you don’t have a mobile strategy or your website optimized for mobile, you are missing out on big opportunities.

2.  Over 36% of mobile subscribers use mobile devices to view email.

Take the time to make sure your emails look as professional as possible and can be viewed correctly on mobile devices. If they aren’t easy to view and read, you could run into some trouble with over one-third of your subscribers.

3.  Over 50% of smartphone users start their day by using their smartphone.

Find ways to insure that you are keeping your target audience engaged with your business. Send out emails at specific times and use subject lines that are time appropriate, such as “Good Morning”.

4.  88% of consumers will visit or call a local business with in 24 hours if they searched for it on a mobile device.

First impressions always count! The majority of people use their mobile devices then they are ready to make a purchase or need a specific service. Be sure that your mobile site stands out and makes a positive impact on your users.

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