Monthly Archives

March 2017

Converting to More

Converting to More: The Importance of Lead Capture

By | Consulting | No Comments

In our business, we are all looking for “more”; more volume, more qualified patients, more leads. Often, we spend “more” money to chase this need, only to find nothing but “more” problems. So what’s the secret? Well it might be closer than we thought.

 The Need

  • Each call represents value. The ringing phone is a golden opportunity! Every incoming call represents potential revenue and cost valuable dollars to produce.  So, it’s critical that we capture demographic info from each and every call, regardless of whether or not they schedule a consult.
  • Leads are 100x more valuable… than any name you can purchase on a list!
  • Capture the basics with every call. Get EVERY callers’ basic demographics – name, email address, address, phone number, referral source – so that they can be input into a prospect database and followed up with accordingly.  Having elective surgery is a big decision, and patients will often schedule a consult days, weeks, even years after the initial phone call.  Keep your practice at the top of their mind by sending follow up material.

Ways to Utilize Captured Information

  1. Create a relationship – After you captured their name at the beginning of the call, use it! Say their name a few times throughout the conversation and they will know they are important to you!
  1. Build a database of qualified leads – With this list you know a.) Their vision concerns b.) Are interested in elective/corrective vision surgery and c.) Already are aware of your practice.
  1. Analyze patient demographics – The more information you can gather about potential patients, the more effective your external and internal marketing efforts can be. It can also show where qualified and less qualified leads are originating.
  1. Bonding and closing tool in the consult – Use all of the information you captured on the phone, in the consultation. Review the information and prepare yourself before the consult starts. Was the person afraid? Were they worried about affordability? Do they live farther away?


  • Capture the basics at the beginning. If you wait until the end of a call to ask for basic demographic information, a caller who is not scheduling a consult will typically be reluctant to give information. However, when asked for their information at the beginning of a call it seems routine.
  • Have a set script of things to ask for. Know what you need to ask for and ask it the same way with every caller. This confidence conveys it as something that is customary or required.
  • Secret Shop centers that are trained in this well. It can give you ideas of how to ask for the information and how to overcome objections.
  • Use bonding questions to capture information. It will help move the conversation along and also help you gather pertinent information without going through your list of needed info, question after question.

Don’t fall victim to the never ending black hole of past leads. Make capturing lead information a vital part of your internal process and start seeing your potential volume rise!


White Space is NOT Wasted Space

By | Graphic Design, Marketing, Web Design | No Comments

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have most likely heard the term “white space.” In design terms, white space also refers to negative space, or the absence of content. Essentially we see it as the space between photos, text and other elements. Although, many consider white space to be wasted real estate, it is important to remember that it should be regarded as an active design element. Integrating white space in design creates the feeling of sophistication, allows for clear content prioritization, and is essential for a visually appealing layout.

White Space in a nutshell: 


1. It creates the feeling of sophistication.

A generous amount of whitespace can contribute to a high-end brand position. For example: In this brochure the practice’s brand message is clear and engaging. The use of a large amount of white space created with color, images and minimal content makes this practice look more high-end.



2. It puts focus on the content.

A cluttered layout is unattractive and doesn’t make viewers want to read the content. Studies have shown that white space actually improves reading comprehension. For example: This practice’s website uses white space to improve readability so that the content is clear.



3. It provides balance.

White space supports the visual integrity of a layout because it helps to prioritize content. It will actually guide your eyes from one point to another around a page or website. For example: This advertorial print ad does a nice job of using white space to guide the reader through the content.


We understand, first hand, that it’s often tempting to fill up every inch of space in a brochure, on a business card, or a website. Clients have a lot to say about their practice and services. But quite frankly, cluttering up printed layouts or websites won’t make your marketing efforts more effective. It could communicate a message about your practice that is not positive.

Consider keeping your layouts or websites focused on key elements (i.e. content and photos) and leave plenty of white space to allow for sophistication, clear legibility with focus on your content, and a balance that will guide your viewers effortlessly.

*Mock-Up newspaper was provided by